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mobile tricks

Mobiles Trciks

From your telephone you can send SMS messages of 160 char. max. to another GSM phone Your message will be sent through an SMS Center (usually the one that gave your provider) You pay a little fee depending of your provider, BUT YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY something In order for sending SMS without paying anything, you got to change your SMS Center number with these one +491722270300 or +358405202999 or +352021100003 * 

Send an E-mail from your GSM

Send an E-mail from your GSM From your mobile you can send an email to a customer of the Internet network. The e-mail will be sent to the maximum of within an hour from the reception. Email contains your mobile number. In order for sending e-mail, send an SMS with this syntax EMA name@domain text-of-your-email Example: in order to send an email to, do the following: EMA text-of-your-email if your phone cant print @ replace it with a ! EMA johon! text-of-your-email And then send this message to the folloving number: +39 338 8641732 


Save Battery 

Save Battery ( Improve battery life ) 1. Turn off your Bluetooth 2. Disable sounds and vibrating alert 3. Brightness – lower the brightness of your screen 4. Setting the Power saver time-out and the Light time-out to the low values will help too (you’ll find them in the display settings) 5. If you are not using an application switch it off – you’ll get a list of all active applications by long pressing the menu button 6. Games – it’s fun to play games on your way to school/office but they are power-hungry beasts; I can’t tell you not to play games but think about your battery when you are playing. 7. Turn off your phone when your phone has no signal coverage. 

Top Ten Handy Tips for Fast SMSing

Top Ten Handy Tips for Fast SMSing Txt using both hands. 
Learn the location of ur letters. Rmbr 2 txt in shrthnd. 

Check ur txting the right number. 

Limber up ur fingers with some stretching exercises. 

Nip ur nails in the bud. 

Find the fastest finger 4u. 

Get 2 know ur phones functions and features. 
Clean ur phone. 

A non-stick mobile is a quick mobile. .
Practice makes perfect, become a txt machine! * 

Nokia Mobile Phone Unlock & Hidden Feature codes

#pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols) 

#pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols) 

#pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols) 

#pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols) 

NOTE: There are many websites and applications which claim to generate unlocking codes for nokia phones for free, I don’t know if they work but you can certainly try them at your own risk: 

* Samsung E720,E730,D500 secret codes

Following codes are for D500, it might work for e720/E730(though it is dependent on phones firmware). 

*#1111# S/W Version *#1234# Firmware Version *#2222# H/W Version *#8999*8376263# All Versions Together 

*#8999*8378# Test Menu *#4777*8665# GPSR Tool *#8999*523# LCD Brightness *#8999*377# Error Menu 

*#8999*327# EEP Menu *#8999*3825523# Don’t Know. *#8999*667# Debug Mode *#92782# PhoneModel (Wap) #*5737425# JAVA Mode *#2255# Call List *#232337# 

#*4773# Incremental Redundancy #*7752# 8 PSK uplink capability bit #*7785# Reset wakeup & RTK timer cariables/variables 

#*7200# Tone Generator Mute #*3888# BLUETOOTH Test mode #*7828# Task screen 

#*#8377466# S/W Version & H/W Version #*2562# Restarts Phone #*2565# No Blocking? 
General Defense. #*3353# 
General Defense, Code Erased. #*3837# Phone Hangs on White screen #*3849# 
Restarts Phone #*3851# 

Restarts Phone #*3876# 
Restarts Phone #*7222# 

Operation Typ: (Class C GSM) #*7224# !!! ERROR !!! #*7252# 
Operation Typ: (Class B GPRS) #*7271# CMD: (Not Available) #*7274# CMD: (Not Available) #*7337# Restarts Phone (Resets 

Wap Settings) #*2787# CRTP ON/OFF #*2886# AutoAnswer ON/OFF #*3737# L1 AFC #*5133# L1 HO Data #*7288# GPRS Detached/Attached #*7287# GPRS Attached #*7666# White 

Screen #*7693# Sleep Deactivate/Activate #*7284# L1 HO Data #*2256# Calibration info? (For CMD set DEBUGAUTONOMY in cihard.opt) #*2286# Databattery #*2527# GPRS switching set to (Class 4, 8, 9, 10)

#*2679# Copycat feature Activa/Deactivate #*3940#

External looptest 9600 bps #*4263# Handsfree mode Activate/Deactivate #*4700# Please use function 2637 #*7352# 

BVMC Reg value (LOW_SWTOFF, NOMINAL_SWTOFF) #*2558# Time ON #*3370# Same as 4700 #*3941# External looptest 115200 bps 

#*5176# L1 Sleep #*7462# SIM Phase #*7983# Voltage/Freq #*7986# Voltage #*8466# 
Old Time #*2255# Call Failed #*5187# L1C2G trace 

Activate/Deactivate #*5376# DELETE ALL SMS!!!! #*6837# 
Official Software Version: (0003000016000702) #*7524# 

Permanent Registration Beep #*2474# Charging Duration #*2834# Audio Path (Handsfree) #*3270# 
DCS Support Activate/Deactivate #*3282# Data Activate/Deactivate #*3476# EGSM Activate/Deactivate #*3676# 

FORMAT FLASH VOLUME!!! #*4760# GSM Activate/Deactivate 

#*4864# White Screen #*5171# L1P1 #*5172# L1P2 #*5173# 

L1P3 #*7326# Accessory #*7683# Sleep variable #*8465# Time 

in L1 #*2252# Current CAL #*2836# AVDDSS Management 

Activate/Deactivate #*3877# Dump of SPY trace #*7728# RSAV #*2677# Same as 4700 #*3797# Blinks 3D030300 in RED #*3728# Time 2 Decod #*3725# B4 last off #*7372# 

Resetting the time to DPB variables #*7732# Packet flow context bit Activate/Deactivate #*6833# New uplink establishment Activate/Deactivate #*3273# EGPRS multislot (Class 4, 8, 9, 10) 

#*7722# RLC bitmap compression Activate/Deactivate #*2351# Blinks 1347E201 in RED #*4472# Hysteresis of serving cell: 3 dB #*2775# Switch to 2 inner speaker #*9270# Force WBS #*7878# 

FirstStartup (0=NO, 1=YES) #*3757# DSL UART speed set to (LOW, HIGH) #*8726# Switches USBACM to Normal #*8724# 

Switches USBACM to Generator mode #*8727# Switches USBACM to Slink mode #*8725# Switches USBACM to Loop-back mode #*3838# Blinks 3D030300 in RED #*2077# 

GPRS Switch #*0277# GPRS Switch #*22671# AMR REC START #*22672# Stop AMR REC (File name: /a/multimedia/sounds/voice list/ENGMODE.amr) #*22673# Pause REC #*22674# Resume 

REC #*22675# AMR Playback #*22676# AMR Stop Play #*22677# Pause Play #*22678# Resume Play #*77261# PCM Rec Req #*77262# Stop PCM Rec #*77263# PCM Playback #*77264# PCM 

Stop Play #*2872# CNT *#8999*364# Watchdog ON/OFF #*8370# Tfs4.0 Test 0 #*36245# Turns Email TestMenu on. 

*2767*22236245# Email EPP set (….)! *2767*837836245# Email Test Account! *2767*29536245# 

Email Test2 Account! *2767*036245# Email EPP reset! *2767*136245# Email EPP set (1)! *2767*736245# Email EPP set (7)! *2767*3036245# Email… 

*2767*3855# = E2P Full Reset *2767*2878# = E2P Custom Reset *2767*927# = E2P 
Wap Reset *2767*226372# = E2P Camera Reset *2767*688# 

Reset Mobile TV #7263867# = RAM Dump (On or Off) *2767*49927# = Germany WAP Settings *2767*44927# = UK WAP 

Settings *2767*31927# = Netherlands WAP Settings *2767*420927# = Czech WAP Settings *2767*43927# = Austria WAP Settings *2767*39927# = Italy WAP Settings *2767*33927# = 

France WAP Settings *2767*351927# = Portugal WAP Settings *2767*34927# = Spain WAP Settings *2767*46927# = 
Sweden WAP Settings *2767*380927# = Ukraine WAP Settings *2767*7927# = 
Russia WAP Settings *2767*30927# = 
GREECE WAP Settings *2767*73738927# = WAP Settings Reset *2767*49667# =

Germany MMS Settings *2767*44667# = 

UK MMS Settings *2767*31667# =

Netherlands MMS Settings *2767*420667# = 
Czech MMS Settings *2767*43667# =
Austria MMS Settings *2767*39667# = 
Italy MMS Settings *2767*33667# =
France MMS Settings *2767*351667# =
Portugal MMS Settings *2767*34667# = 
Spain MMS Settings *2767*46667# = 
Sweden MMS Settings *2767*380667# = 
Ukraine MMS Settings *2767*7667#. = 
Russia MMS Settings *2767*30667# = 
GREECE MMS Settings 

*#7465625# = Check the locks *7465625*638*Code# = Enables Network lock #7465625*638*Code# = Disables Network lock *7465625*782*Code# = Enables Subset lock #7465625*782*Code# = Disables Subset lock 

*7465625*77*Code# = Enables SP lock #7465625*77*Code# = Disables SP lock *7465625*27*Code# = Enables CP lock #7465625*27*Code# = Disables CP lock *7465625*746*Code# = 

Enables SIM lock #7465625*746*Code# = Disables SIM lock *7465625*228# = Activa lock ON #7465625*228# = Activa lock OFF *7465625*28638# = Auto Network lock ON 

#7465625*28638# = Auto Network lock OFF *7465625*28782# = Auto subset lock ON #7465625*28782# = Auto subset lock OFF *7465625*2877# = Auto SP lock ON #7465625*2877# = Auto SP 

lock OFF *7465625*2827# = Auto CP lock ON #7465625*2827# = Auto CP lock OFF *7465625*28746# = Auto SIM lock ON #7465625*28746# = Auto SIM lock OFF 

**NB:*#8999*228# or *#9998*228# will show you how much charge the battery has in %. It even gives the temperature. 

Free More Ram For Your Mobile

 Method 1: 

Flight mode: Put your phone in "Flight mode" with Psiloc System Tools. Install System Tools, open it and select "Flight mode". This way you can restart the phone without your SIM card so there will be no running phone tasks in the background. Now you can have up to 3,5 MB of free RAM! 

Note: ironically enough, Flight mode doesn't work when Smart Launcher is installed, at least in my case. But i've also heard several reports of people who have both apps running without any problems.

Method 2: 

Smart Launcher trick: Install Smart Launcher and open it. Go to Options, Settings and put Launcher ON. Now plug in your charger and switch off your phone. Wait until the battery meter appears and short press the Menu button (don't hold). The menu should appear and now you can have 3,5 to 4,5 MB free RAM! (Hold Menu button to check RAM). 

The trick is that with the charger plugged in, the phone must get a minimum software support for charging, even when the phone is switched off. And somehow Smart Launcher has still got it's shortcut running and that's the Menu button. So when you press the Menu button, you go directly to the Menu without any other phone tasks running in the background so you trick the phone and you have more free RAM! Note: when you unplug the charger, the phone will switch off. 

 Method 3:

 Menu : it frees a little about 100~200 KB but I guess it's useful sometime Close your menu not by selecting the right selection key "exit", or pressing the menu key another time, they only hide the menu app but do not close it, to close it select the left selection key "option" and scroll down and select "exit" 

So when you open an app needs more ram reopen menu and close it, it's useful when play low bit rate video in real player paradise. 

Free Downloads to Mobile 

Point out your mobile browser to You can download the content for free... 

but GPRS/3G charges may apply depend on your network. --> 

tagtag.wap --- a free personal wap creator... and free downloads --

> ---- all the stuff for your java supproted phone. 

You can download the content for free... but GPRS/3G charges may apply depend on your network. * 

SMS to World wide Famous Networks 

.... I will add some more here latar...
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